Monday, 18 July 2011


Cinta itu terlalu abstract pada dasar nya...Hujan
yang mencurah pun mampu melahirkan perasaan

Bila jari mula menaip kalimah cinta...
Apa itu CINTA? Di mana sebenarnya cinta?
"A picture can paint a thousand words"

Cinta lahir dari mana-mana ruang
saat atau waktu.. Terkadang cinta itu pahit yang harus ditelan,
Terkadang cinta itu manis..Dalam mencari kebahagiaan yang tak akan pernah luput..
Disitu cinta ada..Di dalam hati  ^.~/ (apa tah aku mengarut)

Cinta itu lumrah kehidupan.. Pasti majoriti di antara yang membaca ni pernah bercinta dan mengalami kegagalan cinta :)

Cinta..Dalam hidup aku ade banyak jugak version tapi tak menarik xD

I always imagine a true love.. A perfect fairy tale without no weakness..

Love? the definition of love depends on the individuals themselves.. Love can be couple, bridle, love to Mom and Papa, love towards our family..

Love is too abstract , it can be sweet nor bitter.. Haha

But is the one which makes our life sweet-sour..

Love makes our life perfect

Tears, sadness, joyfulness , Happiness,

Love is a spices to our life right?

When we love someone with all our soul,

But when someone finally leave us without no solid reason...

We get angry, mad

He/She must have their own reason...
This is actually which makes we become matured

The more we hurt coz of love
the more matured we are in life...

Love is not about finding a perfect person
But It's all about to find a imperfect person
To perfect our life.......

Don't give up in love
Don't stop from loving someone
Because love is a part of our short journey in this world
GO and find your mate !!
Baisyah !!

"Bercintalah sepuas hati ~~ biar dunia diwarnai warna suci sang pecinta ~~ Bebaskan eksperesi diri mu >.< ~~ 
senyuman itu penyembuh duka"

You will find LOVE as you look back upon your life, that the moment when you have truly lived as the moments When you have done things in the spirit of LOVE ( tah pape aku merepek)


2 comments: said...


belajar eja dulu baru tahu ertinya.

Cielo.Zunnurien said...

saya salah eje ke?????